Virtual Conference FAQs
- Virtual Conference
- Registration
- Oral/Poster
- Will the virtual conference take place on the same dates as the original conference?
Yes, the virtual conference platform will be open from November 1, 2020, and 9 Plenary Lectures & 13 Symposiums/Workshops will be streamed followed by live Q&A; sessions between November 2-4, 2020. In addition, the platform and all sessions (9 Plenary Lectures, 30+ Symposiums & Workshops, 700+ Oral Presentations & e-Posters) will be available on-demand for 6 months until April 30, 2021
- Will all sessions be interactive?
Yes, the live streamed sessions (9 Plenary Lectures & 13 Symposiums/Workshops) will have live Q&A; and we will open chat rooms for group discussion in the networking lounge for all pre-recorded sessions (plenary lectures, symposiums & workshops and oral sessions / e-poster) so that participants and presenters can take part in Q&A.;
- What do I need to attend the online conference?
To attend the online conference, you need a good internet connection, a computer or laptop and a headset or headphones as well as valid registration.
- Will there be an exhibition?
Yes, there will be a virtual exhibition.
- How can I participate in the online conference and do I need to register and pay the registration fee?
We will build a separate webpage for the online conference and only registrants who have paid in full will be able to access the page from November 1st (login required). We will announce the URL of the webpage to registrants before the conference.
- When is the registration deadline?
Conference registration is open until October 16, 2020. To register, please go to the registration page.
- I have already paid the registration fee and want to cancel my participation. Can I get a refund?
Yes, please contact the secretariat at [email protected]. If you paid the fee by bank transfer, the refund will be disbursed around the end of November.
- I have already paid the onsite registration fee and will attend the online conference. Can I get a refund for the difference?
Yes, refunds will be disbursed around the end of November and you will be automatically registered in the online conference.
- I submitted an extended abstract/full paper. When will I get the review results?
Review results have been sent by email only to the authors of extended abstracts and full papers reviewed until August 16. We will announce the results for the rest of the submissions as soon as the review is completed.
- I would like to present my work as an oral presentation. How and what do I prepare?
We will ask you to submit a pre-recorded video file of your presentation. Guidelines for the recording will be sent soon.
- I would like to present my work as an e-Poster. How and what do I prepare?
We will ask you to submit your poster file in JPG or PDF in advance. Guidelines for making your poster file will be sent soon. In addition, poster presenters can submit a short oral presentation video (Maximum 3 min. length) with the e-poster file.
- I’m an oral/poster presenter. Will I have Q&A; with participants?
Yes, participants can ask you their questions via the chat room.