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Scientific Program

From November 2 to 4, 2020, pre-recorded videos of all the plenary lectures and 13 sessions will be streamed followed by live Q&A; sessions
  • Nov. 2
  • Nov. 3
  • Nov. 4
  • All times stated in Korea Standard Time (KST) / UTC +9

November 2 (Mon)

[SY04] Chemical Emissions and Observations in the Indoor Environment
(Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)

Date / Time November 2 (Mon), 07:20-09:00 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizers Delphine Farmer (Colorado State University, USA), Brent Williams (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
This workshop will discuss chemical measurements in the indoor environment, with a particular emphasis on understanding the emissions sources in the indoor environment and their subsequent chemical transformations through field observations. These sources of trace gases and particles can include metabolic emissions from humans, infiltration from the outdoor atmosphere, microbial activity, building surfaces, and consumer products.
  1. 1.Sources, Chemical Transformations and Fate of Organic Trace Gases in Different Indoor Environments (Joost De Gouw)
  2. 2.Progress in Understanding the Organic Composition of Residential Air (Allen Goldstein)
  3. 3.Future Directions in Understanding Human Volatilome (Pawel Misztal)
  4. 4.Human Emissions: Human Emissions: The Indoor Chemical Human Emissions and Reactivity project (iCHEAR) (Gabriel Bekö)
[PL01] Plenary Session 01
Date / Time November 2 (Mon), 09:00-10:20 (KST / UTC +9)
Chair DongChun Shin (Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine / School Particulate Matter Center for Energy & Environment Harmonization, Korea)
  • [PL01-1] Indoor Air Pollution: Burden of Diseases and Control Approaches
    Yinping Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)

  • [PL01-2] Everything but the kitchen sink: Understanding chemical complexity in our home
    Delphine Farmer (Colorado State University, USA)

[SY01] The Present and Future of Indoor Air Quality & Ventilation Research-KICT/IAQRC

Date / Time November 2 (Mon), 10:20-12:00 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Yun Gyu Lee (IAQRC, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Korea)
Welcoming address / Congratulatory message (Yun Gyu Lee)

Part 1. Development of Air Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Technology Based on Multi-sensing (Chair: Young Tae Byun)

  1. 1.Multi-sensor Platforms for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) in Multi-use Facilities (Sang Hyun Yoo)
  2. 2.Evaluation System for Indoor Optical Particulate Matter Sensors (Ji Youn Kim)

Part 2. Development of Intelligent Indoor Air Quality Improvement Technology Considering User Satisfaction (Chair: Sang Hwan Bae)

  1. 3.A Study on the Present Condition of Indoor Air Quality in Multi-use Facilities and the Direction of Improvement (Sang Hwan Bae)
  2. 4.Visualization of indoor air quality data for effective management of air quality in multi-use facilities (Dong hwa Kang)
  3. 5.The Survey about satisfaction of the indoor environment in Nursing home (Ji Woong Kim)

Part 3. Development of rapid response management technology for indoor air quality and fire accident (Chair: Su Won Song)

  1. 6.Indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and energy use analysis using real-time multiple monitoring data: A childcare-center case study (Suk Joon Oh)
  2. 7.Low-cost Management Measures for the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) (Young Jin Kim)

[SY13] Occupant-centric building design and operation

Date / Time November 2 (Mon), 12:30-14:10 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Andreas Wagner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Numerous studies identified the strong influence of occupants on building performance. This is exactly the focus of IEA EBC Annex 79, which intends to implement occupant behavior into the design process and building operation to improve both energy performance and occupant comfort. The main objectives of the Annex are:
developing new knowledge about adaptive occupant actions driven by multiple indoor environmental parameters;
understanding interactions between occupants and building systems in terms of comfort and building energy use;
deploying ‘big data’ for the building sector based on various sources of building and occupant data as well as sensing technologies;
developing methods and guidelines as well as giving advice for standards integrating occupant models in building design and operation;
performing focused case studies to test the new methods and models in different design and operation phases.
The symposium will introduce into the different fields of research of the Annex.
  1. 1.Objectives and research fields of the IEA EBC Annex 79 (Andreas Wagner)
  2. 2.On potential and challenges of model-based support for occupant-centric building design and operation (Ardeshir Mahdavi)
  3. 3.Occupant-centric controls: Inferring occupant’s preferences of indoor environments (June Young Park)
  4. 4.Modeling Occupant Behavior using Big Data: Data Sources, Applications and The Future (Bing Dong)

[WS14] Estimating and Comparing the Burden of Disease of Indoor Air Pollution worldwide

Date / Time November 2 (Mon), 14:10-15:50(KST / UTC +9)
Organizers Yinping ZHANG (Tsinghua University, China), Corinne MANDIN (Scientific and Technical Center for Building, France)
Background: Indoor air pollution has been neglected compared to ambient outdoor pollution while people spend over 80% of their time indoors. One reason may be that insufficient burden of disease data have been generated for indoor air pollution internationally and have reached the political and social spheres.
Scientific Purpose: Global estimates of burden of disease from indoor air pollution are now necessary, and to this purpose, harmonized methods must be set. To address this problem co-operatively, researchers are invited to constitute a panel.
Content of the session: Following the presentations of some evaluations of the burden of disease of indoor air pollution in China, Europe and the USA, the participants will be invited to discuss about the harmonized methods to be used, the existing data, the way to tackle the limitations, and the ways to convince policy makers.
This workshop will be the official start of a new Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) of ISIAQ targeted to the burden of disease of indoor air pollution.
  1. 1.TBD (Otto Hänninen)
  2. 2.TBD (Corinne MANDIN)
  3. 3.TBD (Wei Liu)
[PL02] Plenary Session 02
Date / Time November 2 (Mon), 15:50-17:10 (KST / UTC +9)
Chair Corinne Mandin (Scientific and Technical Center for Building / President of ISIAQ, France)
  • [PL02-1] Human Skin Gas and Indoor Environment
    Yoshika Sekine (Tokai University, Japan)

  • [PL02-2] Inside and Conquer: How Chemicals Rule your Home
    Nicola Carslaw (University of York, UK)
  • All times stated in Korea Standard Time (KST) / UTC +9

November 3 (Tue)

[WS02] Sloan Workshop on indoor acid-base chemistry: findings and implications of an Indoor Air Major Review
(Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)

Date / Time November 3 (Tue), 07:20-09:00 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Yuguo Li (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
This special workshop is based on the first Invited Major Review of Indoor Air Journal (Nazaroff and Weschler, Indoor Air, https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12670), which is a thorough examination of acids and bases in indoor environments. The review establishes a foundation for future research to better understand indoor acid-base chemistry and its implications for human health, indoor air quality, and materials damage. Indoor environments contain numerous acidic and basic species. However, up till now there has not been a systematic review of the state-of-knowledge for this important topic that broadly impacts indoor environments.
In this wokshop, we will discuss sources, concentrations, fates, and dynamic behavior of acids and bases in occupied buildings. The session will begin with presentations by the authors of the review (Prof. William W Nazaroff and Prof. Charles J. Weschler), followed by discussion with a panel that consists of chemists and building scientists. The panel and participants will identify the future research directions and opportunities for collaboration within the indoor air research community.
  1. 1.Indoor Acids and Bases (William W Nazaroff)
  2. 2.Indoor Acids and Bases (Charles J. Weschler)
  3. Panelist: Linsey Marr, Paul Ziemann, Jonathan Abbatt, Cong Liu, Hugo Destaillats, Barbara Turpin
[PL03] Plenary Session 03
Date / Time November 3 (Tue), 09:00-10:20 (KST / UTC +9)
Chair Glenn Morrison (University of North Carolina, USA)
  • [PL03-1] The Nexus of Buildings, Global Health, and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
    Joseph Allen (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA)

  • [PL03-2] Pollution free indoor air: Utopia, or reality just around the corner?
    Lidia Morawska (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

[WS01] Sloan Workshop on transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and environmental intervention in indoor environment
(Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)

Date / Time November 3 (Tue), 10:20-12:00 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Yuguo Li (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
Debate continues on the transmission routes of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in the rapidly growing COVID-19 pandemic, however, there is no doubt that most infection so far has occurred indoors. This pandemic has occurred in the new age of big data, AI and 5G communication. This has provided an opportunity to explore the dynamics of infection and transmission as affected by indoor environment, i.e. hospitals, homes, offices, shopping centres, train and plane cabins, restaurants, subway stations where people live, work and socialize.
In this workshop we will discuss the latest findings in our global inquiry of the transmission routes and intervention in buildings, including impact of indoor environment in major outbreaks, mathematical and statistical modelling of effects of indoor environment including human behavior, intervention methods related to indoor environment, behavior and properties of bio-aerosols containing the virus in buildings, etc. The panel and participants will identify the future research directions and opportunities for collaboration within and beyond the indoor air research community.
  1. 1.Measuring viral aerosol exhaled from COVID cases and the efficacy of masks as source control (Donald K. Milton)
  2. 2.Investigating the Seattle choir outbreak of COVID-19 (Shelly Miller)
  3. 3.CFD and ventilation in Guangzhou restaurant outbreak of COVID-19 (Hua Qian)
  4. 4.Viral sequence/phylogenetic analysis (Julian W Tang)
  5. 5.Multi-route modelling of Diamond Princess outbreak (Brent Stephens)
  6. 6.Ventilation and airflow distribution in the micro-environment (Chandra Sekhar)
  7. Panelist: Linsey Marr, Lidia Morawska

[SY10] Kitchen Ventilation Requirements for High Performance Homes

Date / Time November 3 (Tue), 12:30-14:10 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Brett C. Singer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Air pollutants emitted by cooking burners and produced by many cooking activities can reach levels in homes that exceed health hazard guidelines and standards. Excess moisture from cooking and burners can contribute to dampness and mold problems. As awareness of these hazards grows, there is increasing attention to the importance of effective kitchen ventilation to reduce exposures and risk. Existing codes and standards – such as the requirements of the ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation standard – may not provide sufficient protection based on non-use or low capture efficiency. And as homes become tighter for energy efficiency, new performance standards and tests will be needed. This symposium will bring together research and development efforts in the US and China to identify suitable performance requirements and test methods for next generation kitchen ventilation.
  1. 1.Performance evaluation of adsorption materials on VOCs in cooking oil fume and influence on indoor environment (Junjie Liu)
  2. 2.Analysis to Inform a Range Hood Capture Efficiency Standard for California New Homes (Sangeetha Kumar)
  3. 3.Effect of local makeup air on indoor environment in typical high-performance Chinese residential kitchen (Jiankai Dong)
  4. 4.Method of oil fume escape volume estimation based on S-PIV (Junjie Liu)
  5. 5.Performance of over the range microwave exhaust fans compared to range hoods (Haoran Zhao)

[WS12] Human-Building Integration as an Innovative Principle to Control Indoor Environmental Quality

Date / Time November 3 (Tue), 14:10-15:50 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Joon-Ho Choi (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA)
Due to advances in today’s sensing and mobile technologies, more and more data can be easily and effectively collected by various means. It is now feasible to collect and process a large amount of real data about the environmental satisfaction levels of a building’s occupants. A human body naturally reacts to ambient environmental conditions to minimize any environmental stress based on its autonomic nervous system (Streeten 2014). Therefore, the goal of this proposed workshop is to enhance the interdisciplinary knowledge to advance building indoor environmental controls as a function of human bio-signals (i.e., physiological signals). To identify intellectual challenges and research gaps, the following research components will be discussed with the four invited experts, internationally well-known in the IEQ/Human-Building-Interaction domains:
1) Human factors/bio-signal-types that can be integrated with building IEQ control and system/architectural design processes.
2) Relationship between human physiological signals and IEQ components, such as thermal, lighting, air, acoustic, and spatial quality conditions.
3) Exploitation of advanced hardware and software technologies that are capable of integrating building indoor environmental quality control and design with human factors as a sustainable environmental control strategy.
  1. 1.Real time non-invasive (non-contact) measurements of human thermal physiology signals and thermal comfort/discomfort poses -A short review (Bin Yang)
  2. 2.Predicting personal thermal comfort using wearable sensors (Shichao Liu)
  3. 3.Relationship between human physiological responses and cognitive performance in indoor thermal environment (Dongwoo Yeom)
  4. 4.Human-Building Integration as Novel Building Control Strategies to Enhance Environmental and Pshyological Benefits (Joon-Ho Choi)
[PL04] Plenary Session 04
Date / Time November 3 (Tue), 15:50-17:10 (KST / UTC +9)
Chair Yingxin Zhu (Tsinghua University, China)
  • [PL04-1] The Need for Understanding the Indoor Environment and its Occupants
    Philomena Bluyssen (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

  • [PL04-2] How can science on IAQ and human health be improved?
    Carl-Gustaf Bornehag (Karlstad University, Sweden)
  • All times stated in Korea Standard Time (KST) / UTC +9

November 4 (Wed)

[SY05] Chemical Transformations and Laboratory Studies in the Indoor Environment
(Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)

Date / Time November 4 (Wed), 07:20-09:00 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizers Delphine Farmer (Colorado State University, USA), Brent Williams (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
Molecules in the indoor environment undergo an array of chemical reactions, including oxidation and photolysis in the gas phase, hydrolysis and aqueous reactions, and partitioning between the air, particles and surfaces. This symposium will discuss the chemical transformations of gases, particles, and surfaces in the indoor environment, including the results from both field and laboratory experiments. Speakers will cover a diverse range of topics including the partitioning equilibria in the indoor environment, the potential for oxidation chemistry indoors, and the microbial sources of volatile organic compounds.
  1. 1.Heterogeneous Oxidation of Common Indoor Surface Contaminants: Nicotine, THC, Lipids (Jonathan Abbatt)
  2. 2.Hydrolysis Reactions of Man-Made Esters on Indoor (Do Young Maeng)
  3. 3.TBD (Peter DeCarlo)
  4. 4.Reactive chlorine indoors in the presence and absence of cleaning (Cora Young)
[PL05] Plenary Session 05
Date / Time November 4 (Wed), 09:00-09:50 (KST / UTC +9)
Chair William P. Bahnfleth (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
  • [PL05-1] Aerosol-Based-Prototyping for Indoor Bioaerosol Treatment
    Jungho Hwang (Yonsei University, Korea)

[WS06] Indoor Chemical Human Emissions and Reactivity (ICHEAR)
(Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)

Date / Time November 4 (Wed), 09:50-12:00 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Jonathan Williams (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany)
With increasing use of low-polluting building materials and furnishings, and construction of energy efficient airtight buildings, emissions from humans are likely to grow in importance. Emissions via breath and skin represent mobile, potent, chemically diverse and highly variable sources of reactive chemicals in indoor spaces. ICHEAR aims to comprehensively characterize the chemical impact of human beings, the single common element in all living spaces. The aim of the program, sponsored by the A.P. Sloan Foundation, is to utilize state-of-the-art measurement techniques to examine the role of humans and their emissions in indoor air chemistry. It investigates the impact of exhaled and dermally emitted human bioeffluents under different conditions comprising human factors (level of clothing, age) and a variety of environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity, ozone). The symposium will, in a series of presentations, summarize the first findings, some of them being first of their kind. First, a comprehensive summary of the climate chamber experiments with human subjects will be presented. This will be followed by presentations on human CO2 emissions, human ammonia emissions, human VOC emissions and their transformations, impact of occupant-initiated chemistry on single-digit nanometer size particle concentrations, bioaerosols, skin surface chemistry and total OH reactivity.
  1. 1.Overview of the ICHEAR 1 experiments (Gabriel Bekö)
  2. 2.Human ammonia emissions as a function of temperature, humidity, clothing coverage, age, and ozone (Menzge Li)
  3. 3.CO2 Emission Rates from Humans at Light Activity (Pawel Wargocki)
  4. 4.VOC and OH reactivity from human beings (Nijing Wang)
  5. 5.Ozone-initiated single-digit nanoparticle emissions from humans (Shen Yang)
  6. 6.Influence of clothing on yields of ozone-skin lipid reaction products (Glenn Morrison)
  7. 7.Human emissions of fluorescent biological aerosol particles: Influence of personal and environmental conditions (Dusan Licina)
  8. 8.Total OH reactivity of Human Beings (Nora Zannoni)
  9. 9.Future Directions in Understanding Human Volatilome (Pawel Misztal)

[WS13] Global studies on indoor environment and health, a journey from dampness to chemicals

Date / Time November 4 (Wed), 12:30-14:10 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer Yuexia Sun (Tianjin University, China)
Asthma and allergies have increased dramatically all over the world, and especially among children. However, there has been little scientific focus on the exposure of small children (and possibly fetuses), indoors, especially in homes. Since the first study was conducted in Sweden 2000 (DBH), the same study has then been repeated in Bulgaria, Singapore, Taiwan, Denmark, USA, South Korea and China. The questionnaire is about children’s health (asthma, allergies, airways infections), the families’ health, and the home environment. In the second step case-control studies with measurements and inspections have so far been carried out in Sweden, Bulgaria, Singapore, Taiwan, Denmark and China. The baseline questionnaire is then followed up for a longitudinal design, so far conducted in Sweden (SELMA) and China, with extended aims of investigating risks of indoor chemicals (EDCs such as phthalate, bisphonals, PFAs, flame retardants, etc.) on children’s health (e.g., neuro and sexual development).
This workshop will give a world view of indoor environment (housing) and health among children. The main findings from separate studies will be summarized and updated. Similar and different risk factors in the indoor environment affecting children’s health will be identified.
This workshop is a contribution from ISIAQ STC31 “Health Effects and Epidemiology”.
  1. 1.Risk assessment of indoor environment on health, a journal from damp building (DBH) to modern chemical exposure (SELMA) in Sweden (Carl-Gustaf Bornehag)
  2. 2.Modern home makes children allergic, Phase II study on children’s health and home environment in China (Yuexia Sun / Chanjuan Sun / Lifang Wang)
  3. 3.Targeted and non-targeted analysis of chemical exposures indoors using silicone wristbands in the Global CogFx Study (Joseph Gardner Allen)
  4. 4.Hormone-disrupting bioactivities, PFAS, and flame retardants in indoor dust (Anna Young)

[WS08] What are the future filtration technologies of particulate matter or infectious aerosols?

Date / Time November 4 (Wed), 14:10-15:50 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizers Jungho Hwang (Yonsei University, Korea), Jinhan Mo (Tsinghua University, China)
Particulate matter (PM) has emerged as one of the most serious environmental problems, raising great concern. To reduce the amount of outdoor PM which enters indoor environments via ventilation, efficient filtration technologies are needed in public buildings.
The aims of this session are to share the information of recent particle filtration technologies. We will also discuss the new functional filter materials and their fabrication methods. Finally, we try to answer what are the future air filtration technologies for the removal of indoor PM or bioaerosols.
  1. 1.Fabrication of Silver Nanowire Coated Nanofiber Filter via Electrohydrodynamic Method for Bio-Aerosol Removal (Jungho Hwang)
  2. 2.Single-Stage Air Filtration of Particles and Gaseous Contaminants in Buildings (Alireza Afshari)
  3. 3.Charge degradation of electret filters with different surface charge densities (Myong Hwa Lee)
  4. 4.Electrostatic air filtration by dielectric hetero-caking filters with low pressure drop (Jinhan Mo)
  5. *Discussant: Jungho Hwang, Maosheng Yao, Alireza Afshari, Myong Hwa Lee, Jinhan Mo

[WS04] School Particulate Matter Center for Energy & Environment Harmonization in Korea

Date / Time November 4 (Wed), 15:50-17:30 (KST / UTC +9)
Organizer DongChun Shin (Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine / School Particulate Matter Center for Energy & Environment Harmonization, Korea)
School Particulate Matter Center for Energy & Environment Harmonization is under the Ministry of Science & ICT, and the Ministry of Education in Korea and it has been carrying out a national project funded by the government on particulate matter management for school since June last year.
Fine particulate matter warnings have been issued in Korean peninsula over the years and Korean society has been trying to come up with a solution against fine particulate matter in school area for young students' health.
This project is on the development of a school-customized thermal and air environment integrated management system for fine particulate matter at the level recommended by WHO to provide a healthy air environment by establishing a fine particulate matter management system at schools.
The major missions of this project are to identify all characteristics related to particulate matter generation in schools, evaluate and analyze the health impact of particulate matter on students, develop a renewable-energy powered system, demonstrate ways to improve schools' customized air environment, implement our research findings into improving relevant laws and education system, and build big data for optimal standardization.
It aims to produce pragmatic, applicable solutions to particulate matter management in schools and plan to design our future research in the interest of students and parents, teachers and education experts.
  1. 1.Instruction on 'School Particulate Matter Center for Energy & Environment Harmonization' (DongChun Shin)
  2. 2.Investigation of Human Activities and Outdoor Conditions as Sources of Indoor Particulate Matter (Young-Min Jo)
  3. 3.Evaluation of Students’ Health Impact and Intervention Effect by Characteristics of Exposure by Particulate Matter in School (Changsoo Kim)
  4. 4.Development of Clean Air Ventilation System Linked Indoor/Outdoor Heat and Air Environment with New and Renewable Energy (Choon-man Jang)
  5. 5.Consultation on air environment improvement according to school type and demonstration of customized air environment improvement plan (Taeyeon Kim)
  6. 6.Establishment of School Fine Dust Management System (Youngwook Lim)
  7. 7.Developing Techniques for Big Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis; Energy-Environment-linked Management Technology and Integrated Support System (Jae-hyun Kim)
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  1. https://elk-mountain.com/