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Session Proposal

Call for Symposia and Workshops

For Indoor Air 2020, conference symposia and workshops should be organized on topics related to conference.
Submission Deadline: December 2, 2019
You are encouraged to submit a proposal for a symposium or workshop in which you describe the format of the event and present your scientific or professional contributions, as well as those of people that will join you in the organization and presentation.

Each symposium will last 90 minutes and be composed of four or five communications of 15 minutes each and a consequent debate.
Workshops will last 90 minutes and the organizer can compose in free style.

Be prepared to provide the following information:
  • -Type of event you want to organize (Symposium or Workshop)
  • -Organizer information (Including brief curriculum max. 150 words)
  • -Brief session information (max 150 words)
  • -Presentation Titles & Speakers (Note: contributed papers must be submitted for review)
Once we have received your proposal, the scientific committee will assess it and communicate their decision to you by email.
Please submit your proposal to the secretariat by email at [email protected] by the deadline Dec. 2, 2019.
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