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[NOTICE] Abstract Acceptance Notification has been sent to the Authors…

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Name INDOOR AIR 2020 Date19-12-16 10:41 Hit45 Comment0


Abstract Acceptance Notification were sent to authors!

Please check for your notice in your registered email. Also, you can see the status on My Page.
* This letter was sent for abstracts submitted before Nov. 15.

<Extended Abstract & Full paper Submission: by March 01, 2020>
Accepted authors must submit their extended abstracts or full-length papers through the website following the guidelines and template. The submission deadline is March 01, 2020.

- Guidelines: https://indoorair2020.org/sub03_03.php

※ Please submit the extended abstract or full paper using the same account for submitting your abstract!

Selected full papers from Indoor Air 2020 will be recommended by the scientific committee for further consideration of publication in special issues of prestigious journals including Indoor Air, Building and Environment and other renowned international journals.

* Link to My page :


Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the secretariat ([email protected]). We look forward to your presentation and active participation.

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