[Announcement] Indoor Air 2020 will now be held exclusively online!
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Name INDOOR AIR 2020 Date20-07-14 15:30 Hit946 Comment0Contents
Dear Indoor Air 2020 Participants,
We thank you for your patience and support over the last few chaotic months as the conference was postponed and changed to a new format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We truly hoped to hold the conference onsite and meet you all in person, but the pandemic has worsened worldwide and one cannot be certain when the entry restrictions for all incoming travelers to Korea as well as much of the rest of the world will be lifted.
With this in mind, it is with a heavy heart and much regret that the Indoor Air 2020 organizing committee has decided to cancel the onsite conference and hold the conference online only.
This decision was not taken lightly. Before the decision was made, we had conducted a survey on preferred participation methods with more than 1,000 abstract submitting authors in order to reflect the various opinions of our participants as much as possible and the majority preferred to attend virtually.
The Indoor Air 2020 organizing committee will aim to make the online conference worth attending with a more enriching scientific program and ensure your hard work and research is optimally shared online.
All scientific sessions and presentations will be available on-demand for fully paid registrants from November 1st onwards within a fixed period. (The exact duration of the on-demand presentations is still under discussion.)
You can check the registration fees for the online conference at the registration page.
* For those who have already registered and paid,
please wait to be contacted by the secretariat.
The submission period of extended abstracts and full paper has been extended to July 31, 2020.
This is a firm deadline and there will be no further extension. Please submit your paper and share us your works at online!
Submission Link: https://indoorair2020.org/sub03_03.php
We are still discussing several options and details regarding the online conference.
Further information will be announced in due course.
We look forward to seeing you all online in November.
Indoor Air 2020 Organizing Committee
Indoor Air 2020 Secretariat
Tel: +82-2-566-6031
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.indoorair2020.org
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